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การแยกและศึกษาคุณสมบัติของแบคเทอริโอเฟจที่จําเพาะต่อเชื้อก่อโรคปลา Edwardsiella tarda เพื่อใช้เป็นตัวควบคุมโรคทางชีวภาพ |
Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriophage Specific to a Fish Pathogen, Edwardsiella tarda, for Use As a Disease Biocontrol Agent |
The use of antibiotics to control diseases in fish has been known to have adverse effects including the development of drug resistant bacteria and the safety problems to consumers caused by their accumulation in animal products. Thus, an alternative approach has been needed for controlling the diseases. Recently, bacteriophage therapy has been shown to be a potential one. This study aimed to find and characterize a bacteriophage infecting Edwardsiella tarda, a pathogen causing edwardsiellosis in fish. Twelve water samples collected from fish culturing ponds were screened for the bacteriophage specific to E. tarda. Bacteriophage P8 isolated from a water sample had ability to specifically infect all tested strains of E. tarda used in this study. Based on its morphology studied by transmission electron microscopy, Bacteriophage P8 was classified as a member in the family Podoviridae. This study showed that Bacteriophage P8 had characteristics favoring its use in controlling E. tarda in fish. |
พงศ์ศักดิ์ รัตนชัยกุลโสภณ |
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ผลของไทมอลในการยับยั้งเชื้อ S. sonnei ในอาหารเลี้ยงเชื้อเหลว (In vitro) และในน้ำอ้อย |
Effect of thymol on Shigella sonnei in broth and in sugarcane juice |
This study aimed to examine the antibacterial ability of thymol against Shigella sonnei DMST 561 in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth and in sugarcane juice. When S. sonnei DMST 561 in BHI broth was treated with different concentrations of thymol, it was found that the minimal inhibitory concentration of thymal against S. sonnei DMST 561 was 0.4 mM. Results from flow cytometry confirmed that thymol could cause the death of S. sonnei DMST 561 in BHI broth. The study of morphology of S. sonnei DMST 561 by scanning electron microscope revealed that thymol could make bacterial cell surface rough and porous. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that thymol had ability to inhibit S. sonnei DMST 561 contaminated in sugarcane juice. Results from this study indicated that thymol had potential as a natural agent for preventing bacterial contamination in foods and drinks. |
พงศ์ศักดิ์ รัตนชัยกุลโสภณ |
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การศึกษาสูตรอาหารจากถั่วเหลืองสกัดในการเจริญของเส้นใยเห็ดขอนขาวและเห็ดกระด้างแข็ง |
Study of soybean extracted media formulation for the growth of Lentinus polychrous and Lentinus squarrosulus mushroom |
The growth of two mushrooms: Lentinus polychrous and Lentinus squarrosulus (wild type strain and Department of Agriculture strain) were studied on soybean extract mediums at, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% supplemented with and without 2% glucose. Results showed that diameters of the mushroom colonies increased with concentrations of soybean extract. Within seven days, L. polychrous and L. squarrosulus from the Department of Agriculture showed better growth than the wild type mushroom on all soy bean extract mediums supplemented with and without 2% glucose. Colony of two mushrooms gave inflated and thick mycelium, indicating the integrity of the mycelium. It is therefore possible that soybean extract medium at 10% supplemented with 2% glucose can be used to replace PDA medium for Lentinus polychrous and Lentinus squarrosulus cultivation. |
ประสงค์สม ปุณยอุปพัทธ์ |
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การปรับปรุงสถานีงานเพื่อลดความเมื่อยล้าในสายงานการประกอบเครื่องทำน้ำอุ่น |
An Improved Workstation for Reducing Muscular Fatigue in the Warm Water Heater Assembly Line Operators |
The objectives of this study were to improve the workstation in order to reduce muscular fatigue and improve productivity on a warm water heater assembly line. The redesigning was mainly based on anthropometry and ergonomic principles. The recommended improved workstation dimensions were as follows: a table, work surface height, adjustable shelves and a pushcart.Eight female assembly operators participated in this study. The measurement of electromyography and evaluation of fatigue feeling were performed twice for each assembly operation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, which were frequency, average, percentage, max, min and standard deviation were used to describe all data. And inferential statistics were used to Paired t –test, One Way ANOVA andCorrelation with 95% confident interval.Results showed the mean age of these assembly operators were 24.8years, and mean weight and mean height were 50.2 kilograms, 156.9 centimeters, respectively. The assembly operators had experience in assembly operation work for an average of 1.4 years, with no history of either muscle or bone diseases or accidents. That while the assembly operators worked in the improved workstation, the fatigue feeling of the general body, 3 muscles were significantly less than while working in former workstation (p<0.05). Median frequency (MF) of 3 muscles during working in the former workstation were significantly less than while working in improved workstation (p<0.05). Finally, there was slightly relationship between fatigue feeling assessed by using questionnaires and muscular activity measured by using electromyography.This study concludes that the improved workstation could reduce muscular fatigue of gastrocnemius muscle, tibialis anterior muscle and erector spinae muscle in assembly operators and lead to increased productivity. |
นิภาพร คำหลอม |
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การปรับปรุงสถานีงานเพื่อลดความเมื่อยล้าในสายงานการประกอบเครื่องทำน้ำอุ่น |
An Improved Workstation for Reducing Muscular Fatigue in the Warm Water Heater Assembly Line Operators |
The objectives of this study were to improve the workstation in order to reduce muscular fatigue and improve productivity on a warm water heater assembly line. The redesigning was mainly based on anthropometry and ergonomic principles. The recommended improved workstation dimensions were as follows: a table, work surface height, adjustable shelves and a pushcart.Eight female assembly operators participated in this study. The measurement of electromyography and evaluation of fatigue feeling were performed twice for each assembly operation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, which were frequency, average, percentage, max, min and standard deviation were used to describe all data. And inferential statistics were used to Paired t –test, One Way ANOVA andCorrelation with 95% confident interval.Results showed the mean age of these assembly operators were 24.8years, and mean weight and mean height were 50.2 kilograms, 156.9 centimeters, respectively. The assembly operators had experience in assembly operation work for an average of 1.4 years, with no history of either muscle or bone diseases or accidents. That while the assembly operators worked in the improved workstation, the fatigue feeling of the general body, 3 muscles were significantly less than while working in former workstation (p<0.05). Median frequency (MF) of 3 muscles during working in the former workstation were significantly less than while working in improved workstation (p<0.05). Finally, there was slightly relationship between fatigue feeling assessed by using questionnaires and muscular activity measured by using electromyography.This study concludes that the improved workstation could reduce muscular fatigue of gastrocnemius muscle, tibialis anterior muscle and erector spinae muscle in assembly operators and lead to increased productivity |
นิภาพร คำหลอม |
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ผลของไทมอลในการยับยั้งเชื้อShigella sonnei DMST 561 และ Escherichia coli ATCC 11775 ในอาหารเลี้ยงเชื้อเหลว |
Effect of thymol on Shigella sonnei DMST 561 and Escherichia coli ATCC 11775 in broth culture media |
This study aimed to investigate the ability of thymol to inhibit the growth of Shigella sonnei DMST 561 and Escherichia coli ATCC 11775 in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth culture media. Inhibiting the growth of S. sonnei DMST 561 and E. coli ATCC 11775 in BHI broth culture showed that the minimum inhibition concentration of thymol in inhibiting test bacteria was 0.4 and 0.9 mM, respectively. The results of the analysis of the cell components that leaked i.e. proteins, reducing sugar and internal cell compounds, increased according to the concentration of thymol. From the study of the effects of thymol on cell wall of S. sonnei DMST 561 with the scanning electron microscope, it was found that thymol caused bacteria cell wall to be porous and more tearing according to the concentration of thymol. The results of the experiment are consistent with the results of the analysis cell components that leaked outside the cell. |
ประสงค์สม ปุณยอุปพัทธ์ |
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ความรู้ ทัศนคติ และพฤติกรรมความปลอดภัยในการใช้สารเคมีกำจัดศัตรูพืชของเกษตรกร บ้านเกษตรพัฒนาเหนือ อำเภอวารินชำราบ จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี |
The Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Pesticide Usage Behaviors among the Agricultural Workers at Kaset Phatthana Nuea Village, KhamKhwang Subdistrict, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province |
The study was descriptive research. The purpose of this research was study knowledge, attitude, and pesticide usage behaviors among the agricultural workers at Kaset Phatthana Nuea village, Kham Khwang Sub-district, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Data were collected from 51 agricultural workers by using the researchers-adapted questionnaires and analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The Fisher’s Exact Test was used to identify correlations. The results showed that most of the agricultural workers had knowledge, attitudesand pesticide usage behaviors at the high level which had an average score at 8.46, 8.58 and 36.90% respectively. In addition, it was found that knowledge and attitude was not significantly correlated with pesticide usage behaviors among the agricultural workers (p – value > 0.05). Therefore, pesticide safety training programs should be promoted to protect the health and safety of agricultural workers. |
กานต์นลินญา บุญที |
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ปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับพฤติกรรมป้องกันการเกิดอุบัติเหตุจากการปฏิบัติงานบนที่สูงของคนงานก่อสร้างกรณีศึกษาพุทธสถานราชธานีอโศก ตำบลบุ่งไหม อำเภอวารินชำราบ จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี |
Factors associated with the Accident Prevention Behaviors of High falling in construction workers. Case Study at Buddhamadhani Asoke Tumbon Boongmai in Warinchamrab District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. |
อุตสาหกรรมก่อสร้างเป็นอุตสาหกรรมที่มีสถิติของอุบัติเหตุเกิดขึ้นมากที่สุดเมื่อเปรียบเทียบกับอุตสาหกรรม ประเภทอื่นๆ โดยเฉพาะ การตกจากที่สูง หกล้ม ลื่นล้ม อาคารหรือสิ่งก่อสร้างพังทับ วัตถุหรือสิ่งของพังทลาย/หล่น ทับ วัตถุหรือสิ่งของกระแทก/ชน ซึ่งมีรายงานสถิติการเกิดอุบัติเหตุดังนี้ 5,683 5,375,57,14,090,12,407 ตามลำดับ ผลเนื่องจากมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงในด้านชนิด ขนาด สถานที่ สิ่งแวดล้อม ลักษณะงาน และวิธีการก่อสร้าง (สุดาศิริ เฮงพลูธนา และอัญชลี สันติกุล, 2533) ดังจะเห็นได้จากสถิติการประสบอันตรายหรือเจ็บป่วยเนื่องจากการ ทำงาน ปี 2559 พบว่า กลุ่มคนงานก่อสร้างที่ปฏิบัติงานบนที่สูงมีจำนวนผู้ประสบอันตรายถึงแก่ชีวิต จำนวน 104 ราย สถิติการเสียชีวิตในอุตสาหกรรมก่อสร้างมีค่าที่สูงเป็นอันดับหนึ่ง (สำนักงานกองทุนเงินทดแทน, 2558) สำหรับจังหวัดอุบลราชธานี สถิติการเกิดอุบัติเหตุหรือเจ็บป่วยเนื่องจากการทำงาน จำแนกตามความรุนแรงและ สาเหตุ ที่ประสบอันตราย ปี 2559 เรียงห้าอันดับ พบว่า ตกจากการปฏิบัติงานบนที่สูงมีการเกิดอุบัติเหตุทั้งหมด 25 ราย จากข้อมูลข้างต้น คณะผู้วิจัยจึงสนใจศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับพฤติกรรมป้องกันการเกิดอุบัติเหตุจาก การปฏิบัติงานบนที่สูงของคนงานก่อสร้าง กรณีศึกษาพุทธสถานราชธานีอโศก ตำบลบุ่งไหม อำเภอวารินชำราบ จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี เพื่อนำข้อมูลที่ได้มาจากการวิจัยนี้มาเป็นแนวทางในการลดและควบคุมอุบัติเหตุจากการ ปฏิบัติงานบนที่สูงสำหรับโครงการก่อสร้าง |
สุนทรี สารางคำ |
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ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการใช้สารเคมีกำจัดศัตรูพืชกับสุขภาพของเกษตรกร ผู้ปลูกดอกไม้ |
Relationship between Pesticides Uses and Health among Flower Gardens |
This survey study was aimed to examine the health effects from pesticides uses among flower gardens. Bann Tatid area, Nonpueng subdistrict, Warinchamrab district, Ubonratchathani province. The subjects were the 64 persons. Using interview and data were statistically analyzed by using statistic package program using descriptive statistic and inferential statistics were to Fisher’s Exact Test investigate the relationship between health effects and pesticides uses among flower gardens. The results showed that subjects of this study were pesticides uses and exposer factors at slightly level (87.50%). Risk of pesticide uses at slightly level (70.00%). For relationship between general information of subjects and health effects from pesticides uses, it was found that age and occupational duration significant difference at .05 level (p-value < .05). For relationship between pesticides uses and exposer factors, it was found that significant difference at .05 level (p-value < .05). |
นิภาพร คำหลอม |
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พฤติกรรมการใช้หมวกนิรภัยของนักศึกษาสาขาวิชา อาชีวอนามัยและความปลอดภัย มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี |
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The purpose of this descriptive research was to study occupational health and safety student’s behavior, Ubon Ratchathani University. The sample consisted of 62 occupational health and safety students who were purposively selected from the first year student, in academic year 2017. The research instrument was questionnaire composed of the general data, buying helmet criteria, attitude of helmet use and behavior of helmet use. The questionnaire was test for content validity and reliability with Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient = 0.88. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics included the percentages, the mean and the standard deviation value. Inferential Statistics used Fisher exact probability test and Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The results have shown that most students were female (88.71%), the average age was 19 year olds (48.39%), use TIS helmet (90.32%), having driving license (61.29%), motorcycle driving less than 4 years (41.94%), The results of the relation study found that the personal data, buying helmet criteria and attitude of helmet use were not associated statistically significant (p-value>0.05) |
นิภาพร คำหลอม |
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อิทธิพลของ NAA และ BA ต่อการเจริญเติบโตของไรโซมกล้วยไม้จุหลัน (Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Sw.) ในสภาพปลอดเชื้อ |
Effects of NAA and BA on growth of Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Sw. rhizome segments in vitro |
This research was studied on effects of NAA and BA concentrations on growth of Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Sw. rhizome segments in vitro. Explants were one centimeter rhizome segments from seed germination of C. ensifolium were cultured on ½ Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. The rhizome segments were transferred to ½ MS medium supplemented with NAA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 mg/l) and BA (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mg/ l) for 7 months. The results showed that the highest number of shoots (2.09 shoot / rhizome) was stimulated when cultured on medium supplemented with 4 mg/l BA only. The longest shoots (2.34 cm) could be stimulated by medium containing 0.5 mg/ l NAA and 4 mg/ l BA. The highest number of roots (2.11 roots/rhizome) were stimulated when cultured on 0.5 mg/l NAA alone. Medium added with 0.5 mg/l NAA and 2 mg/l BA could induce the highest root height (2 cm). Medium with hormone free could stimulate the highest rhizome branching (4.21 branchs) and the longest rhizome (2.69 cm) could be stimulated by medium supplemented with 2 mg/l BA alone. This research might be useful for future propagation of this species. |
อรัญญา พิมพ์มงคล |
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การศึกษาระดับเสียงและแยกวิเคราะห์ความถี่เสียงในร้านเสริมสวย |
A Study of Noise Levels and frequency analysis in the hair salons |
The descriptive study was conducted to describe the noise levels and frequency analysis in the hair salons. Data were collected from 15 hair salons by using sound level meter and 25 hairdressers by using 5- minute hearing test questionnaire of Chicago Hearing Society. The results showed that noise frequency from 15 hair salons were in range of 500 Hz, 1 kHz, and 2 kHz. The noise exposure for an 8-hour workday was found to be 71.90 dBA which was lower than the noise level standards, setting at 85 dBA by the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare. A correlation coefficient (Spearman’s Rank Correlation) between personal factors and the questionnaire to assess hearing was determined and found that age was statistically significant (p-value < 0 .0 1 ). The result from questionnaire to assess hearing found that 2 hairdressers had a hearing score at 2 9-31 points. Comparing this score with the criteria of Chicago Hearing Society, it was found that hearing loss of the hairdresser were categorize as moderate. However, hearing test and hearing loss solution were probably needed for those hairdressers. Moreover, those questionnaires were use as screening study. Thus, health check-up for hearing loss testing should be carried out among those hairdressers. From the results of this study, it was suggested that the monitoring of occupational hearing loss and changing behavior of noise prevention should be applied for hairdressers working in hair salons. |
กานต์นลินญา บุญที |
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การพัฒนาผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน เรื่องการสังเคราะห์ด้วยแสง โดยใช้การจัดการเรียนรู้แบบสืบเสาะ (5E) สำหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5 |
The main purpose of this research was to develop learning achievement topic of genetic inheritance for grade 10 students by using inquiry based 5E. Students’ learning retention and satisfaction towards the learning implementation were also investigated. The research samples consisted of 27 student grade 10 at Nonsawangprachasan school in first semester of 2017 academic year. The research instruments were 40 achievement test, lesson plans of using 5E inquiry learning cycle and satisfaction questionnaire. The study results showed that the dependent samples t-test analysis indicated that the post-test score (mean 1 8 . ǰSD 7.22) was statistically significantly higher than the pre-test score (mean ǰSD 3.79), but not statistically significantly different from the retention score (mean SD 7.39) at pvalue of 0.05. And the students' satisfaction with the inquiry was in the highest level. |
ประเสริฐ ผางภูเขียว |
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